Making Sense of your Worth

Making Sense of your Worth

This program, created by The Halo Project, is designed for any individual desiring to obtain positive self-worth or secure attachment. Participants will go through a series of sessions in a group format designed to help them understand how the events in their lives have contributed to low self-worth. The classes focus on developing an understanding of the “lies” an individual believes about themselves, such as “I am not good enough,” or “I am not smart enough,” or “I have no patience” and how to replace these lies with truth. In addition, once a participant is released from the beliefs associated with the past, the sessions focus on rebuilding a new life based on positive self-worth as well as how to maintain these gains.

The program is comprised of 8 sessions lasting 2 hours in duration. Class size is limited to 10 participants. We offer women’s classes and teen’s classes.

Sessions will be held 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM every Tuesday, from August 23 – October 11 at the Calm Waters Center.

Enrollment is $224. If you need to make payments toward the total, rather than pay in one transaction, choose the corresponding option within the registration form.

For more information, please contact Heather Warfield, LMFT at or call 405-841-4800.